This Weeks Photos:
Here are a couple of photos of the container vessel CP VALOUR which ran aground in the Azores in December, 2005. The photos are from the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). The homepage for this accident is located here. You can find the full report there as well as a summary of the accident. Let's just say that the cause rymes with 'human error' although in the traditional European fashion, the report does not assign blame:
“The sole objective of the investigation of an accident under the Merchant Shipping (Accident Reporting and Investigation) Regulations 2005 shall be the prevention of future accidents through the ascertainment of its causes and circumstances. It shall not be the purpose of an investigation to determine liability nor, except so far as is necessary to achieve its objective, to apportion blame.”

Sailors, Mariners & Warriors League has the story and picture of a cargo ship sinking in the Yangtze River.
The USNS MERCY recently visited Tarakan, Indonesia as part of it's 2006 deployment. Photos here.
Lloyds List has news of the world's Largest Containership, the EMMA MAERSK. This is most likely a record-breaker that will not lose it's title anytime soon, other than to another Maersk vessel. 11,000 TEU and 110,000 horsepower. Wow.
Russian News and Information Agency has the news of Russia firing on a Japanese fishing vessel suspected of fishing illegally in Russian waters, killing a crewmember.
ICC Commercial Crime Services has a warning concerning Trading frauds targeting buyers of cargo originating from China and Estonia. (from April)
Check out ICC's International Maritime Bureau's latest Piracy and Armed Robbery maps.
Far Outliers has the news of the Mexican fishermen rescued after being adrift for months.
EagleSpeak has coverage of the US Coast Guard's extensive efforts to train allied countries in Port Security. (The FBI has also been training foreign agencies for years.)
The National Terror Alert Response Center has a summary of the Port of Seattle Explosive Container incident.
Homeland Security Watch has recent developments in the ongoing TWIC disaster. (More below.)
Mukamo Philippines has coverage of the SOLAR I sinking/oil spill.
WWF has a map (jpg image) of the oil spill area off Guinaras, Philippines.
Lasting News has an interactive global oil spill map.
Echo9er has a bird's eye view of the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN at sea.
For the latest on the COUGAR ACE recovery, check out the official recovery website.
Strata-Sphere has comments on the rehashed nuke-in-a-container threat, thanks to politics.
Seeker Blog has news of the discovery of Iranian weapons in the Iraqi Port City of Um Qasr.
Check out the Google Images of Umm Qasr.
Marex Newsletter has news of court decisions in the PRESTIGE Tanker case in favor of ABS.
The US Coast Guard Academy is having a 30 year Commemoration of Women at the Academy.
The Stupid Shall Be Punished (Sub Blog) has an explanation why US Subs sometimes make themselves noisier.
Lawyers, Gun$ and Money has the USS LEXINGTON in "Sunday Battleship Blogging".
The Dashboard Spy has a screenshot of a Marine Terminal, Yard Operations Monitoring dashboard.
From Haight's Maritime Items:
TSA – delay in TWIC implementation - The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued an e-mail stating that the requirement for facility and vessel owners and operators to purchase or install Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card readers will not be implemented until after an additional public comment period. The e-mail goes on to state that the initial TWIC rulemaking will provide guidelines for the background check process and issuance of the TWIC. TSA hopes to begin issuing the TWIC cards by the end of the year. Note: Given the apparent technological problems and other issues dogging the TWIC process, this new, tentative deadline may be wishful thinking. (8/15/06).
USCG – merchant mariner credentials - extension - The US Coast Guard issued a notice stating that the expiration date of merchant mariner credentials (MMDs) for those mariners directly impacted by Hurricane Katrina is extended for up to one year. Unfortunately, automatic extension of the expiration date of the STCW endorsement is not possible. 71 Fed. Reg.. 47238 (August 16, 2006).xxx - Dennis Bryant
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