This Weeks Photos:

This weeks items:
Dockwise is/was the company transporting the SBX. Check their site for more pics and a video.
More Chittigong photos at Pbase. has recordings of various ship's horns.
The Stupid Shall Be Punished (Sub Blog) has "The Legend of the Midnight EOOW."
Murdoc Online has the story of two WWII era Coast Guard Cutters still in service in Alaska, but perhaps not for much longer.
From Haight's Maritime Items:
From Fairplay International Shipping Weekly:UK – lifeboat design study - The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) posted an 84-page study that it commissioned on the development of lifeboat design. The study confirmed that most of the serious accidents involving lifeboats occur because of problems with the on-load release hooks. It recommends that the safety and stability of all lifeboat on-load release hooks be demonstrated by means of a safety case regime, subject to independent review. MCA Research Project 555 (3/27/06).
Polish yard subsidy report still awaited
BRUSSELS 04 September – EU Competition commissioner Neelie Kroes is believed to be still waiting for the report from the Polish government justifying the substantial subsidies that have been awarded to shipyards in Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin over the past year. The government set a deadline of Thursday 31 August and a letter was apparently faxed over on Friday to confirm that the report would be provided today. If the EU judges the subsidies, amounting to over euro450M ($579M) for restructuring and nearly euro1.7Bn in export guarantees since Poland joined the EU, are illegal they might have to be returned. At issue here is one of Poland’s largest industries and the second largest shipbuilding industry in Europe. Without some level of support there could be serious implications for the future of the Polish yards. - Fairplay
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Maritime Monday 1 - 24
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