Sunday, January 10

Finland: Keep Spending - Don't Save (Bloody Piggy Bank Ad)

Here is a photo taken in March during our previous trip to Finland. This was a ad I saw in the city of Pori while visiting a shipyard.

The purpose of the ad is to encourage people to keep spending. The rough translation is 'Don’t feed the recession by saving your money'

Their website is here. It is in Finnish. However, they have translated their video including this full-length one. (All their videos are here.)



Sadly, other countries are also concerned that consumers are starting to be more responsible when it some to limiting their spending to what they can actually afford to spend. Take this from the UK where the issue has moved from prevention to blame:
Thrifty families accused of prolonging the recession -

Anxious families are repaying debts instead of spending in the shops, amid concern over the uncertain economic outlook. The share of income saved in banks and building societies has risen to its highest level in more than a decade, heightening fears that faltering consumer demand could prolong the recession. - Found at Samizdata.Net (Go there to read his comments on the matter)
People putting money in the bank is a good thing. Whether the money ends up sitting in bank accounts or is used to pay off debt, that money is being returned to the system to be used again. Even if in a bank account, the bank can then loan that money out.

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