Urho Kaleva Kekkonen was a Finnish politician who served as Prime Minister of Finland (1950–1953, 1954–1956) and later as President of Finland (1956–1981). Kekkonen continued the "active neutrality" policy of President Juho Kusti Paasikivi, which came to be known as the Paasikivi-Kekkonen Line. This policy allowed Finland to retain independence and trade with both the nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the Warsaw Pact. Kekkonen was the longest-serving President of Finland. - Wikipedia
There were steps aded after the memorial was installed as it was feared that the pool would prove too temping for drunks and might result in drowning if it was too difficult for them to get out of.
1 comment:
nice snaps...
and always a fan of yours...
was out of touch as went for sailing with no internet.....
feels gr8 to come back and read the old friends...
Life at Sea.
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