Sunday, January 29

Kerry 2008

There is talk that John Kerry might be preparing to run for President in 2008. Lets forget his recent stupidity calling for a filibuster against Alito from Switzerland. There is a basic fact that Kerry's handlers need to get a grip on:

Senator Kerry could not beat George Bush in a run for President, how on earth is he going to beat ANY Republican Candidate, who is sure to be much more well-liked than the Universally-hated Bush?

To bad for Kerry that the majority of those wishing for him to run, are those who plan to vote against him.

More 2008 Musings:

Gore 2008 - Not Happening - 12 October 2005
Biden 2008? - Last Exit Before Toll - 9 October 2005
Obama 2008? Mr. Electability? - 25 July 2005

Do we really want to Force Liberals to have more children? The Abortion Issue. - 13 October 05

Thanks to Rigntwing Nuthouse for inclusion in the Carnival of the clueless!

Be sure to check out this weeks edition, themed: "What would Jack Bauer Do?" Great work. Makes me wonder what I'm missing by not watching 24....

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