Monday, December 22

Maritime Monday 141 Posted at gCaptain

This week's edition of Maritime Monday has been posted at gCaptain.

You can find last week’s edition here.

You can find Maritime Monday 91 here. (Published 31 December 2007).




M/V James R. Barker was the first 1000-foot class vessel constructed entirely on the Great Lakes, where she was built by American Ship Building Company at Lorain, Ohio. Her self-unloading system includes three cargo hold belts and a 250-foot boom, and is capable of discharging a cargo in about eight hours. The James R. Barker is named for Interlake's President and Chairman of the Board. The ship has always been part of the Interlake Steamship fleet. - Link



The Steamer John Sherwin is one of the last straight deck (non-self-unloading) bulk cargo vessels on the Great Lakes. Named for a former chairman of Pickands Mather & Co., she was built in 1958 by American Ship Building Company, Toledo, Ohio, and has always been in the Interlake Steamship fleet. In 1973, she was lengthened by 96 feet at Fraser Shipyards, Superior, Wisconsin. The Sherwin has been in long-term layup at Superior since November 1981. - Link

Previous Editions:
As linked below or click on the label ‘MaritimeMonday’:
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