Monday, March 5

Maritime Monday 49

Welcome to this weeks edition of Maritime Monday.

This Weeks Photo:
Go here for a slideshow of previous Maritime Monday photos with some others thrown in.

Update: Here it is

This Weeks Items:

The LA Times has this week's must-read: "This repo man drives off with ocean freighters"

Eagle Speak has the US Coast Guard's Patrol Boat shortage.

The San Francisco Chronicle has the attempt to renovate the WWII Victory Ship RED OAK VICTORY.

The San Francisco Chronicle also has Federal Criminal Charges for the owners of the M/V WARRIOR after the ship 'fixed' cracks in the hull with duct tape and a new coat of paint.

Marine Log has it's February Edition online:

Marex Newsletter has the Offshore Marine Service Association's (OMSA) study that determined U.S. flag vessels that support the offshore Oil Industry make significant contributions to the U.S. economy and local communities.

Sailors, Mariners & Warriors League has the 101 year-old Great Lakes Cement transport ship ST. MARYS CHALLENGER. As the story points out, this vessel was built six years before the TITANIC.

Rigzone has news of International Oil Companies (including China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, or Sinopec, Norway's Statoil ASA, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Italy's Eni SpA, Total SA, Russia's Lukoil and Austria's OMV AG) Investigating Iran's offer to invest in their oil reserves, despite the risk of US sanctions if they do so.

Aftenposten (Norway) has the discovery of a new oil field in the Barents Sea.

The Guardian has the surprise that ocean transport contributes about 5% of total global CO2 emissions. Air travel contributes about 2% and is being targeted by Kyoto thugs while shipping has been largely ignored. Alternatively, Metta Spencer points out that ocean travel by cargo ship is a super alternative for when you cut out air travel for the good of the planet.

Haight's Maritime Items has:

EC – rights of passengers traveling by sea - The European Commission (EC) updated its site on Strengthening the Protection of the Rights of Passengers Traveling by Sea or Inland Waterway in the EU. (3/1/07). - Dennis Bryant

Fairplay Daily News has:

Alaska slams Washington state tax - SEATTLE 26 February – Legislators in Alaska last week passed a resolution slamming a proposed $100 fee on all 40-ft containers and a $50 fee on all 20-ft containers imported or exported from the State of Washington. The resolution, which passed unanimously, said the proposed fee would have a "negative impact … on the people and economy of this state." The fee is being promoted by Washington State senator Mary Margaret Haugen. The funds collected would be used to improve transport infrastructure within the state. Projects that could receive funding include increasing the height of Stampede Pass, a railway pass through the Rocky Mountains; improvements to a state highway and a planned connector between two other major roads. If the proposal passes, it would add an estimated $40-$50M a year to Alaska's transport bill. About 95% of goods entering Alaska arrive by sea-borne container with the bulk of those containers shipped from the State of Washington ports of Tacoma and Seattle. The proposed tax is also being opposed by several shipping organisations within the State of Washington. - Fairplay Homepage

Funny, Alaska had no problem approving a $50 per head tax on cruise line passengers a couple months ago. (See: Alaska: All Your Taxes Are Belongs To Us.)

Submissions for future editions:
Please submit articles for inclusion in next week' edition using the following submit form at Blog Carnival. You are also welcome to email photos for inclusion in future editions as well as suggest area of coverage.

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