Tuesday, November 7

Election Day 2006 Update (Updated Post Election)

Just got back from Voting in McLean, VA. Over 600 people have voted in the first half of the alphabet (last names) and the line for the second half of the alphabet was much bigger. With this being Northern Virginia, I am not sure if that is good or bad, but I will take it as a good sign.

I waited ten minutes in line to vote. There were at least six machines and they were electric touch screens. Once my turn was up I had my two-year old daughter work the machine without any problems.

There was still a steady stream of voters as we left just before 6. There is just an hour left of voting.

I still feel confident to stand by my earlier prediction that the Republicans will retain both houses of Congress, and that the will be a general meltdown within the Democrat Party. Lets see what happens. It should be interesting. Time to pop the corn and pop open the sparkling wine.


Seems that my prediction was a little off. No matter, it's all good. I look forward to the Democrats explain just what their new direction is.

Pelosi, Murtha, Conyers, Rangel and 'Freezer' Jefferson (yes, he won too) will provide no end of amusing material to blog about.

God help us if the terrorists attack us again. Strange that the areas most likely to be attacked by terrorists are those who voted Democrat. Isn't that ironic.

As for the Republicans. Time for you guys to clean out the dead wood. It should not be hard to find good people to run against some of these Democrats.

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