Tuesday, September 19


The family and I are off to my wife's homeland of Finland for a couple weeks vacation.

While I expect to have internet access and the means to post, I am not planning on making any posts, unless I get the inspiration to post something. Mainly this means a hiatus of Maritime Monday. (If it wasn't for that, you might not even notice that I was gone!) Feel free to check out previous editions of Maritime Monday. If you have a Maritime Monday item, you can post it in the comments of this post to share with others.

Since you stopped by, feel free to check out the following posts which are the most popular posts found through search engines:
Racing Up Pikes Peak - Video - All time, most popular post
And if you are interested in Finland:
Finally, feel free to check out my blogroll. I try to keep it short, so if there is one that your not familiar with, be sure to check it out.

Best regards,

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