This Weeks Photo:
Here is a photo of one consequence of pirate-proofing a ship. You have to place the lifeboat up higher out of reach of the pirates. This is not exactly to protect the lifeboat, but more so to limit the number of opening on deck that pirates could use to gain entry into the vessel. On this ship there were only six places to get into the house and no way to climb the house externally.
I took the ride all the way down in this lifeboat once. It was a terrifying experience, and that was on a calm day like this one. Imagine trying to lower the lifeboats if the vessel was rolling. After all, you almost never abandon ship in good weather. The lifeboat is pictured at the main deck. There is still a long way to the water's edge. (Points if you can guess the vessel class!)

This weeks items:
A Town Called Podunk explores the ongoing effects to the region that was served by the QUEEN OF THE NORTH ferry up in Canada.
Kevin Benedict on PDA Solutions for the Mobile Workforce has a post titled "Asset Management, PDA Handhelds & Oil Rigs." Very interesting.
Jealous Again becomes an Oil Rig Worker.
EagleSpeak has a summary of what Iran 'tools' Iran has to close off the Strait of Hormuz.
Mathy has a story and a series of pictures on rogue waves.
Roots by the River explores "Are we Seaworthy" (with God).
Check out the Google Image page results for "Suez Canal".
Navy News (Royal Navy) has the story of the little ship that could, namely the survey ship HMS SCOTT winning the best chow contest at this year's Fleet Week in New York City.
Sailors, Mariners & Warriors League reports another death related to the wreck of the ANDRIA DORIA.
My Sea Journey has the story of taking a cruise on a containership.
LAFD News & Information has their story on reporting to the tanker PROBO ELK which was deemed unsafe by the USCG during an inspection in Los Angeles Harbor.
Dannie ChoOng has coverage of the 'newest' largest containership, the XIN LOS ANGELES.
A Girl's Guide to Managing Projects has her take on the grounding of the sailboat GYPSY MOTH IV.
From Haight's Maritime Items:
Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006 - The White House issued a News Release stating that President Bush has signed into law the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006 (H.R. 889).
Among the more interesting provisions in the long-delayed legislation are the following: (1) Developers of LNG import facilities will get a higher priority if they agree to be supplied by US-flag LNG vessels;
(2) Only US-flag vessels will be allowed to engage in any activity performed in connection with the mooring or unmooring of a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) located over the US outer continental shelf or the transportation of personnel or merchandise to or from a point in the United States from or to such MODU;
(3) Use of foreign citizens as riding gangs would be allowed under certain conditions on US-flag vessels when US citizens or residents are unavailable to complete the work, but for not more than 60 days each calendar year;
(4) Monies are authorized for development of an alternative AIS transponder/wireless maritime data device and the FCC is encouraged to finalize its rulemaking on licensee use of AIS frequency bands;
(5) Persons who release into a waterway an object that creates an obstruction to navigation would be required to promptly notify the Coast Guard;
(6) Limits of liability for oil spills from vessels would be increased – for single-hull tankers to the greater of $3,000 per gross ton or $22 million – for double-hull tankers to the greater of $1,900 per gross ton or $16 million – for other vessels to the greater of $950 per gross ton or $800,000; and
(7) Application of the oil spill response plan requirement to nontank vessels has been clarified.
Note: Ship owners and operators and insurers should pay particular attention to the increase in the limits of liability. While the requirements relating to US Certificates of Financial Responsibility (COFRs) will not change until the regulations are amended, the maximum potential liability for an oil spill (even if the limits of liability are not broken) have been increased, effective immediately. Those owners and operators who were only minimally insured should consider seeking increases in coverage. (7/11/06). - Dennis Bryant
Also from Haight's Maritime Items is word that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has launched an online Chart Viewer. It's cool. Click on the image below to open one of the charts.

There seems to be pirates everywhere, in the movies and on TV. One thing to keep in mind when watching any of these programs:
Pirates Kill Merchant SeamenPrevious Editions:
Maritime Monday 1 - 17
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