I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I believe in the theory of evolution. I also believe that if there is a God (Belief in God does not guarantee that there is one) then he most surely helped things along their evolutionary path, even to the point of being an Intelligent Designer. However, I have no doubt that Intelligent Design is nothing more than a shame being pushed by those with an ulterior motive centering around a religious agenda.
Those Christians who are pushing intelligent design on the rest of us are actually traitors to their own beliefs. Because Intelligent Design is not Creationism and could even be considered belief against Creationism. At it’s most simple level, in Creationism, God created everything. In Intelligent Design, God gave things a ‘helping hand.’ This diminishes Gods role in the world. Look at the definitions:
Those Christians who are pushing intelligent design on the rest of us are actually traitors to their own beliefs. Because Intelligent Design is not Creationism and could even be considered belief against Creationism. At it’s most simple level, in Creationism, God created everything. In Intelligent Design, God gave things a ‘helping hand.’ This diminishes Gods role in the world. Look at the definitions:
Intelligent Design (ID) is the controversial assertion that certain features of the universe and of living things exhibit the characteristics of a product resulting from an
intelligent cause or agent, as opposed to an unguided process such as natural selection. - WikipediaCreationism or creation theology is the belief that humans, life, the Earth, and the universe were created by a Supreme Being or deity's supernatural intervention. The intervention may be seen either as an act of creation from nothing or the emergence of order from pre-existing chaos. - Wikipedia
The point where my belief differs from the Intelligent Designer believers it that I believe that any assistance that God (lets face it, that is who they will tell us the intelligent designer is) gave in regards to creating life on Earth falls within the Theory of Evolution.
Looking at the two definitions above, a religious person who subscribes to the belief of Intelligent Design, is actually giving up a good portion of Creationism. A person like myself can believe in the principle of Creation and see the possibility of it falling in line with the Theory of Evolution.
The funny thing about Intelligent Design is that there is so much out there about the World that can be used to question the theory. Like why did the Designer include the negative effects of cancer, viruses, germs, disease and natural poisons in the Grand Design? Why did the Designer include earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, plagues, droughts, and floods into the Grand Design? Why would the designer include zebras yet forget to include unicorns and jackolopes? Why would the designer punish the holy lands with a shortage of food and water and bless those areas of the world where the smallest percentage of people believe in him? Why would the Designer allow three religions that believe in him, but constantly fight with each other? Why would the designer punish Africa to a perpetual third-world status and punish Europe with centuries of war yet shine on the United States as if it’s been blessed? If there was an Intelligent Designer, why did he leave the world half-done? Looking at the results from a distance, you’d think that the designer was on drugs with all the loose ends that he left behind.
Humans are a pretty resilient people and can adapt to the most severe situation. That’s why you can find people living in most every corner of the planet, good and bad, hot and cold. One of those places is Dover, Pennsylvania where they just held a school board election. The funny thing about elections is that sometimes they can show how intelligent people can be. In Dover, PA, the residents decided to vote out the entire school board that was in favor of teaching intelligent design in science class and replacing them with those who thought science class was best left to teaching Evolution, leaving Intelligent Design for religion class.
The school board officials who were voted out were all Republicans, being replaced by all Democrats and that’s fine with me. You see, the Republics were tampering with education, and that’s just plain wrong. Someone should tell that to Pat Robertson, who just told the residents of Dover, not to bother calling God the next time disaster strikes, because they just “rejected him from your city.” No Reverend, they just rejected religion from the science class. Just like I can believe in God, but not in Pat Robertson. The Good Reverend through his outburst gives us all a view of the Religious agenda of Intelligent Design.
Looking at the two definitions above, a religious person who subscribes to the belief of Intelligent Design, is actually giving up a good portion of Creationism. A person like myself can believe in the principle of Creation and see the possibility of it falling in line with the Theory of Evolution.
The funny thing about Intelligent Design is that there is so much out there about the World that can be used to question the theory. Like why did the Designer include the negative effects of cancer, viruses, germs, disease and natural poisons in the Grand Design? Why did the Designer include earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, plagues, droughts, and floods into the Grand Design? Why would the designer include zebras yet forget to include unicorns and jackolopes? Why would the designer punish the holy lands with a shortage of food and water and bless those areas of the world where the smallest percentage of people believe in him? Why would the Designer allow three religions that believe in him, but constantly fight with each other? Why would the designer punish Africa to a perpetual third-world status and punish Europe with centuries of war yet shine on the United States as if it’s been blessed? If there was an Intelligent Designer, why did he leave the world half-done? Looking at the results from a distance, you’d think that the designer was on drugs with all the loose ends that he left behind.
Humans are a pretty resilient people and can adapt to the most severe situation. That’s why you can find people living in most every corner of the planet, good and bad, hot and cold. One of those places is Dover, Pennsylvania where they just held a school board election. The funny thing about elections is that sometimes they can show how intelligent people can be. In Dover, PA, the residents decided to vote out the entire school board that was in favor of teaching intelligent design in science class and replacing them with those who thought science class was best left to teaching Evolution, leaving Intelligent Design for religion class.
The school board officials who were voted out were all Republicans, being replaced by all Democrats and that’s fine with me. You see, the Republics were tampering with education, and that’s just plain wrong. Someone should tell that to Pat Robertson, who just told the residents of Dover, not to bother calling God the next time disaster strikes, because they just “rejected him from your city.” No Reverend, they just rejected religion from the science class. Just like I can believe in God, but not in Pat Robertson. The Good Reverend through his outburst gives us all a view of the Religious agenda of Intelligent Design.
Just imagine if the Intelligent Designers win, then we can all argue on who the Designer(s) was(were.) My vote is for Mother Nature.
Evolution - Wikipedia
Televangelist warns of evolution doomsday - MSNBC
Evolution - Wikipedia
Televangelist warns of evolution doomsday - MSNBC
I believe that if we are created in HIS image, God does have a great sense of humor...
ReplyDeleteI also believe that one outta 3 people are ugly...
You doubt that??
look at the guy on your left... Oh, he's not ugly??
Look at the guy on your right... Huh?? He's not ugly either??
Well, guess what.... :)
Great blog... Found you on the blog roll....
And THAT is MY Opinion... by TexasFred
Fred, With regard to intelligent design I recently discovered an internet article http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/science/prat-boh.htm that relates how the eminently qualified physicist David Bohm, a peer with Einstein and other notable physicists, posited and then proved that the entire universe and all micro and macro levels is based on some form of composite intelligence. In this article is the statement that "Bohm believes that life and consciousness are enfolded deep in the generative order and are therefore present in varying degrees of unfoldment in all matter, including supposedly "inanimate" matter such as electrons or plasmas. He suggests that there is a "protointelligence" in matter, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality."
ReplyDeleteRead the whole thing.
I think that you will find few reputable scientists that accept evolutionary theory without reservations. The main part that doesn't hold up is the concept that complex systems can be created by random action. If anything random action defined as entropy is destructive tearing down rather than creating.
You sir are a useful idiot for evolutionists. ID merely points out the impossibility of accidental evolution. It also shows the massive complexity of life, screams that there had to be a designer.
ReplyDeleteThe science and statistical analysis are settled. The science we know today says evolution is impossible.
Yes there are "scientist" who say they believe in evolution. These are existential humanists who are willing to put up with massive contradictions because the alternative (i.e. a Creator God) is too horrible for them to conceive. It is blind faith that rails against their science that they cling to. It is not scientific evidence that brings them to belief in evolution.
Sir Julian Huxley said as much. He was asked if it was the preponderence of scientific evidence that caused him to support evolution. He said "no, it was that God got in the way of our sexual mores".
There are two types of evolutionists. The ignorant that don't know the science. Then those who know the science but are in denial. Most are a combination of the two.
I find it interesting that if a Republican "tampers with education it is just plain wrong," but it is apparently not tampering if the dems want to teach condom application on a banana to 5th graders or "Heather has 2 Mommies." By the way evolution is a theory. (That's why they call it the "theory of evolution>" I hasn't been proven and never will be.
ReplyDelete" but it is apparently not tampering if the dems want to teach condom application on a banana to 5th graders or "Heather has 2 Mommies.""
ReplyDeletePoliticizing sex education is also tampering. Do note that my post was about ID, not all the problems with schools. As for Heather having 2 mommies, that has noting to do with tampering with education, that would ba a fact. The issue there is how/if you cover this in school. My suggestion is to let each kids parents tackle that one themselves. (The kid will first ask Heather anyhow, with or without their own parents permission.)
I suspect that Heather might be jealous that she is the only one in class with no Daddy...
ReplyDelete"Fred, With regard to intelligent design I recently discovered an internet article http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/science/prat-boh.htm that relates how the eminently qualified physicist David Bohm, a peer with Einstein and other notable physicists, posited and then proved that the entire universe and all micro and macro levels is based on some form of composite intelligence."
Thanks for the link. I did read it. Unfortunately, lots of it sounds like fuzzy science of attempts to explain away things that are not currently understood by science.
One thought I had concerned the observation that the movement of electrons are not randon but definate. Well of course they are as they are charged particles... Lets face it, we are talking about trying to understand how things work at a sub-atomic level. It just might be that we are not properly equipped to understand all the forces at work there.
"You sir are a useful idiot for evolutionists. ID merely points out the impossibility of accidental evolution."
Oh please. I would not call "survival of the fittest" accidental evolution.
ReplyDelete"Thanks for the link. I did read it. Unfortunately, lots of it sounds like fuzzy science of attempts to explain away things that are not currently understood by science"
My point exactly. All aspects of evolution are not understood by science which is why evolution is still a theory. Appending the possibility of intelligent design to evolution is simple an attempt to explain some of the 'fuzzy' areas of the theory. There is reason to believe that existing forms can change their form i.e. evolve but to my knowledge no one has witnessed life being created from inert matter.
Poor Fred got attacked by a swarm of flat-earthers. 2nd rule of thermodynamics? Please...
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great playing God? I mean pouring a glass of saline on the table and watching the salt spontaneously forming an ordered crystal lattice as the water evaporates...