Saturday, February 7

"Stimulus" = $8 BILLION A SENATOR!

The problem with the Republican Party is that somehow there are Republicans in Congress who still think that it is OK to screw their Constituents as long as the other side treats them with 'respect'.

This is how you get news that a compromise has been reached with 1 or 2 Republican Senators/Traitors by cutting $100 billion out of the stimulus bill and ending up with an amount EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHAT THEY STARTED WITH because they added an extra $100 billion to the bill before they started cutting.

This is bad politics and we need to stop sending these ass clowns to Congress. It is these types of stupid games that got us the housing crisis that put us all in this mess in the first place.

In this case, each Senator is voting for $8 in wasteful spending. For years Congress was complaining about how expensive President Bush's War in Iraq was. Well at least in that case we got rid of Saddam Hussein and as a bonus installed a better Government in Iraq. In just the last years Congress blew more on that with trying to save the banks and now more on that again in this latest act of stupidity that even Congress's own budget office says is a bad idea.

Unfortunately, it is party our fault because we did not do enough to remove these people from Congress. We are going to have to do a better job at that!


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