Friday, January 23

Response: "What Foreign Policy Objectives Should the Obama Administration Establish as its Top Priorities?"

The US Department of State runs a Blog. This week they asked the following question:
Question of the Week: What Foreign Policy Objectives Should the Obama Administration Establish as its Top Priorities? - DIPNOTE

Comments are moderated as would be expected. So imagine my shock when they approved my comment:
Fred F. in New York writes:
1. Over a decade of engagement has not resulted in better relations with, or a less dangerous North Korea. The new Administration should push for the collapse of the North Korean Government or at the very least stop talking with them. No good can come from negotiations with these thugs. Not during Bush's term. Not during Clinton's either.

2. The U.S. should formally recognize Taiwan.

3. Stop giving Russia about $1 billion in aid each year.

4. Stop stepping in to aid every nation's population. That is their own Government's responsibility. If their government fails in this responsibility (like Zimbabwe) then their leaders should be pursued in the International courts or other...

Posted on Thu Jan 22, 2009 - Link
Seems that the main prevailing thought in the comments submitted is that the US should somehow punish Israel. Also, that the US should weaken itself (or other nonsense actions) to win back respect of the International community. Of course most of the International community does not deserve our respect to begin with nor should the US pander to make bullies happy. Oddly enough, there are also a number of comments pointing out true problems, such as a renegade Russia and China.

It will be interesting to see what Secretary Clinton decides on tackling first. With that in mind, don't get fooled by the news of the 'special Envoys' to the Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan. Those missions will produce nothing in the short and even middle term. This has all been done before. Clinton knows that too well with her husband trying to find a Middle East and North Korea solution during his years in the White House.
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