Tuesday, August 19

United Nations Shame V

Here is the latest collection of news stories that I have collected of misdeeds that the UN is accused of doing around the world.  Seems that top honors again goes to the UNDP.

UNDP - Interfering in Kenya's recent elections:
A few weeks before Kenya’s elections, in mid October 2007 to be precise, this author caught a UNDP vehicle based in Nairobi distributing hate leaflets targeting Raila Odinga, the then main challenger to Mwai Kibaki in Dagoretti Corner of Nairobi. This muddy Saturday afternoon, a Volvo with UN registration looked stuck in the mud.

As he drove by after getting a tip from some young men, he stopped to find out what the UN vehicle was doing in that God-forsaken place so late in the evening on a Saturday afternoon bearing in mind that most UN offices close down on Friday midday. When he moved closer, he found two young men seated comfortably distributing Raila Odinga’s alleged version of his MoU with the Muslim community. That document was as damaging as it possibly could. It talked of Raila in future introducing Sharia law in Kenya and turning Kenya into an Islamic state. - UNDP Watch
When will the UN learn to take control of it's motor pools around the world? Their vehicles are constantly used by outside parties and never by any forces that can be confused for being the good guys. On the bright side, you're not likely to run into any counterfeit UN vehicles as it seems easier to borrow real ones.

UNDP - Poor Oversight in North Korea including Cover-up
The UNDP's transgressions in North Korea include personnel practices that gave Pyongyang officials access to sensitive information; limited oversight; poor tracking of funds, including money that was diverted to the North's purposes; and transfer of dual-use technology. It adds up to a picture of how Pyongyang manipulated the UNDP for its own financial ends – while the U.N. agency let it happen. In March 2007 the executive board took the unprecedented step of suspending operations in North Korea, and two investigations – by the U.N.'s own Board of Auditors and the U.S. Congress – have confirmed the U.S. allegations.

In yesterday's report, the auditors write that they "are unable to confirm the total size" of the UNDP program in North Korea between 1997 and 2007 – an amazing indictment of UNDP financial practices. They calculate total expenditures between $57.1 million and $72.3 million, which roughly accords with what the U.S. had estimated and far exceeds the UNDP's guess. - Wall Street Journal

UN - Admits $10 M Currency Exchange Rate Loss in Myanmar
UNITED NATIONS, July 28 -- At least $10 million in UN aid money raised by the UN after Cyclone Nargis hit has been lost in government-dictated currency exchanges, UN humanitarian chief John Holmes admitted on July 28. He stated that at the time he launched a second appeal for aid on July 10, "we here" in New York had not been aware of the seriousness or extent of the losses. But an internal UN document obtained by Inner City Press shows that the UN knew as early at June 26 of a "very serious 20% loss on foreign exchange... changing US Dollars to Foreign Exchange Certificates [FEC] then to local currency, Kyats." This appears in the internal "Notes for the Record" of an "Emergency Task Force Teleconference" call involving top officials in Yangon, Bangkok and Rome, available here. - Inner City Press

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Invites Indigenous People Representatives to attend meeting and then refuses entry
A delegation of indigenous peoples was forcibly barred from entering the meeting between UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer and civil society representatives, despite the fact that the indigenous delegation was invited to attend. This act is representative of the systematic exclusion of indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process, the group said. - Patagonia Under Seige

UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Biased Global Warming Report
A good example of a principle clearly violated is "Make sure forecasts are independent of politics." Politics shapes the IPCC from beginning to end. Legislators, policymakers and/or diplomatic appointees select (or approve) the scientists — at least the lead scientists — who make up the IPCC. In addition, the summary and the final draft of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report was written in collaboration with political appointees and subject to their approval.

Sadly, Mr. Green and Mr. Armstrong found no evidence the IPCC was even aware of the vast literature on scientific forecasting methods, much less applied the principles. - Washington Times

Russian Delegation to the UN - Half Billion Stolen in Oil-for-Food
This weekend the Globe and Mail is reporting on accusations by the former Russian spy Sergei Tretyakov, who claims that he assisted other UN agents in helping Russia steal $500 million from the UN's oil-for-food program in Iraq.

Describing the Russian delegation to the UN, Tretyakov described it as a "nest of spies" and a fertile ground for recruiting international experts to share damaging information about the United States - including one Canadian nuclear specialist. - Russia Journal

UN Peacekeepers - Millions wasted in Sudan
Several internal audits by one of its own agencies reveal that the UN has wasted tens of millions of dollars in its "peacekeeping operations" in Sudan over the past three years.Follow this link to the original source: "Audit of U.N.’s Sudan Mission Finds Tens of Millions in Waste"The UN Security Council established its mission in Sudan in March 2005, under the guise of helping to settle a 22-year-old civil war that has left 2 million dead, leaving tens of thousands, if not millions, homeless and hungry.Earlier this month, the Washington Post obtained a copy of a confidential audit from October 2006 where "a number of potential fraud indicators and cases of mismanagement and waste," were noted by the UN Office for International Oversight Services, the UN agency conducting the audits. - Sound of Cannons

Go read the list of waste as well as the pitiful UN excuses. Remember these guys are supposed to be the experts.

UN Peacekeepers - Sexual Abuse of Children in Ivory Coast
A 13-year-old girl described to the BBC how 10 UN peacekeepers gang-raped her in a field near her Ivory Coast home, and left her bleeding, trembling and vomiting on the ground.

No action has been taken against the soldiers. - Gateway Pundit

UNICEF - Partnership with Terrorists
UNICEF Partners With Terrorists - No, really. UNICEF is partnering with the Islamic Relief Organization, listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. Treasury Department. - The Jawa Report

UN’s clean development mechanism (CDM) - Billions Wasted
Billions of pounds are being wasted in paying industries in developing countries to reduce climate change emissions, according to two analyses of the UN’s carbon offsetting programme.

Leading academics and watchdog groups allege that the UN’s main offset fund is being routinely abused by chemical, wind, gas and hydro companies who are claiming emission reduction credits for projects that should not qualify. The result is that no genuine pollution cuts are being made, undermining assurances by the UK government and others that carbon markets are dramatically reducing greenhouse gases, the researchers say.

The criticism centres on the UN’s clean development mechanism (CDM), an international system established by the Kyoto process that allows rich countries to meet emissions targets by funding clean energy projects in developing nations. - Guardian (Found at Sweetness & Light)

International Atomic Energy Agency - Radioactive Leak
A SMALL amount of plutonium leaked overnight in an ageing laboratory operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) near Vienna, Austria's environment ministry said today. - Jammie Wearing Fool

UN Refuses to Define TERRORISM - Video



Previous Editions:

-- Don't worry. There is more coming in future updates. --

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