Saturday, July 12

USA Today: McCain Beats Obama

There is an interesting poll in today's USA Today web edition:

In a barroom drinking challenge, which candidate would throw in the towel first? - USA Today (located in the sidebar of this post)

As you can see, at the time of posting, about 89 percent of those voting agree that Obama would be the loser of a barroom drinking challenge with McCain.

However, Barack Obama just beat out John McCain in the more popular barbecue guest contest by 52 to 45 percent. (Obama or McCain better barbecue guest?)

So I guess it all depends on the type of company your looking for.  Then again, the only contest that matters is the election in November and I already have my prediction on how that one will turn out.  After all, your not going to spend any time with either of these guys in a bar or at a barbecue. (But they are both welcome to come on out with me! I run a mean grill...)


McCain Beats Obama - FFI 04 June 08


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