Thursday, March 13

Mercedes Benz Tearing Through Paris

A while back I posted a dramatic video of a car racing up Pikes Peak.

Now I have this video of a car racing through Paris streets, blowing red lights and just being reckless in general.
C'était un rendez-vous (It Was an Appointment) is a short film made in 1976 by Claude Lelouch, showing an eight-minute drive through Paris at 5:30 AM.

Shot in a single take while Lelouch was directing another film, it is an example of cinéma-vérité. The length of the film was limited by the short capacity of the reel, and filmed from a gyro-stabilised camera mounted on the bumper of a Mercedes-Benz. - Wikipedia



Link: ferrari in paris

The guy was lucky he didn't kill anyone. Then again, that was of course what he was counting on.

Racing up Pikes Peak - Video - 9 Feb 06


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