Wednesday, December 19

Three Year blogiversary

Today is the third anniversary for this Blog. Actually it has kind of morphed into two. On the one hand, I post comments and opinions on whatever comes to my mostly-conservative mind. Then each Monday I try to post a roundup of maritime related news and events in my weekly 'Maritime Monday'. I do try to keep the two sections from mixing. Next Monday, Christmas Eve, I will post edition 90, as the series heads towards its own two- years in publication.

I guess the biggest change in my life since I started is that I am now a dad of 2. The first one showed up in early 2005, which explains a lack of posting right after I started. The second one arrived about six months ago. Let's just say that I am still adjusting from the life that I had to the one that I have now. This is not a complaint, just a statement of fact.

Anyway onward into year 4!

- Fred Fry International -

- SINCE 2004 -

1 comment:

  1. Fred,
    Then again, if you figure in that 40% or so of that 300 million have no feceral tax liability, the individual hit to the rest of us is that much larger.
