Saturday, December 29

Battlestar Galactica Season Cliffhanger Available Online

While I don't talk about Battlestar Galactica here, I am a huge fan. So I have been waiting for season three to come available on DVD, which for some reason has not done so already. Imagine my surprise to find the last five episodes of Season Three available online, including the cliffhanger ending. The website they are posted on is called Hulu:
Hulu's ambitious and never-ending mission is to help you find and enjoy the world's premium content when, where and how you want it. We hope to provide you with the web's most comprehensive selection of premium programming across all genres and formats – television shows, feature films, clips, and more. Additionally, we want to give you more choices of when and where you can enjoy your favorite programming, while creating innovative experiences that let you watch and participate in online video in new and exciting ways. -

The website is currently in Beta testing, but at the moment you can sign up on their homepage, provided you are in the United States, or at least appear to them to be.

There is a treasure trove of programs available there, including the Original Battlestar Gallactica, 'EMERGENCY!', Bionic Woman, Buck Rogers, Miami Vice and Lost in Space among many others. They also have a couple movies, both old and new posted there, including Miracle on 34th St, Weekend at Bernie's, Master and Commander, Conan the Barbarian and the Blues Brothers.

So go check out the site as there is bound to be something there that you like. The playback is pretty slick and best of all it's free. (Click the embeds below to play. Not sure if they will work outside the US, but add a comment if they do.)

Crossroads - Part 1

Crossroads - Part 2


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