Saturday, September 22

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Vandalized

I was taking a friend on a tour of Washington, DC by night and as we walked through the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial she asked "where are the security guards?" I told her to ask the Park Ranger who was right behind her.

She was surprised that there really was someone there. We started talking with him and I asked about if there was any crime problem at the Memorial. He replied that there really was not with all the people, the park rangers and the Park police all around. He then added that there was an anti-war protest inside the memorial earlier in the day Friday where the protesters defaced some of the stones with chalk. I asked if anyone was arrested and he replied that there were two who were arrested and sent to jail.

I can't find anything in the news about this, so lets call it an ** EXCLUSIVE **

Tarp covers vandalized stones at FDR Memorial - 21 Sept 07

This is just plain shameful behavior. The vandals should be made examples of with stiff jail time and fines to cover the expense of repairing the damage.


I asked about the vandalism at the Vietnam Memorial. The Park Ranger mentioned that the opinion is now that the damage was probably the result of an accident. (So pay attention to the signs that say no eating or drinking!)


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