Monday, August 27

Maritime Monday 73

Welcome to this Weeks edition of Maritime Monday.

You can find Maritime Monday 23 here. (Published 21 August 2006)

You can find last week's edition here.

This Weeks Photos:
This was the 13 August 'Picture This' at Spiegel Online.

A training vessel used by the German navy sails past an enormous iceberg in Newfoundland's Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The ship is scheduled to visit a number of Canadian and US cities -- if there's wind, that is. - Spiegel Online

They don't name the ship but I Guess that this is a photo of the German Training ship GORCH FOCK. Which happens to be a replica of the GORCH FOCK built in 1933.

See this Wikipedia page for a summary of the GORCH FOCK class and their fates at the end of World War II. The GORCH FOCK's sister ship, the HORST WESSEL, was taken by the US as a War Prize and commissioned as the US Coast Guard Cutter EAGLE.


Here is a photo from the German Navy's website titled "GORCH FOCK vs. Barry"

Here are two photos I took while visiting the vessel in 1998. Sorry, I can't find any better photos that I took, like any of the whole ship:

Sea-Fever demonstrates that it is dangerous to let blog material fester too long as he too blogged about the same picture in "German Tall Ship Gorch Folk sailing amidst icebergs". (I had done this photo section on August 13 upon seeing the photo at Spiegel.)

This Weeks Items:

The Jawa Report has coverage of the FBI alert looking for details on two suspicious passengers seen on Seattle Ferries, who, as of this morning, still appear to be missing.

Seattle PI explains why they have refused to publish the photos while in the same article, they state "a Justice Department report named the Washington State Ferry system as the No. 1 target for maritime terrorism, sharing that status with Gulf Coast petroleum tankers."

Atlas Shrugs has a post on a recent show of force at one Seattle Ferry. (Not bong related.)

You can read my post on this issue here.

Call the FBI's Seattle office at 206-622-0460 if you know anything about these two guys.


Eagle Speak has news of the release of the MV DANICA WHITE which was being held by pirates in Somalia. He follows up with coverage of a Saudi editorial condemning the Danes for admitting that they paid a ransom for the vessel's release. (This might as well be out in the open. It's not like the pirates don't know this. This might also benefit other sailers, as the pirates will be more included to target Danes.)

Also be sure to check out his weekly series, starting with this week's edition "Sunday Ship History: Steam Heat" coving early steam powered ships.

Maritime Accident Casebook covers pilot error in "The Case Of The Baffling Bays"

Maritime accidents cost the shipping industry a million dollars a day* and too many happen when the vessel should be safest, when it's under the conduct of a pilot who knows his domain** and ship's officers who know their ship. But who's in charge when a pilot is on the bridge? Who's really at fault when the pilot gets it wrong? And how can a pilot get it so wrong? Maritime Accident Casebook ( takes on the issue of pilot error and ships' officer's responsibilities in its latest podcast episode - The Case of the Baffling Bays.

The Daily Mail (UK) has the sad story "Tuna Wars: The ruthless tuna pirates who are driving these majestic creatures to extinction".

Science Daily has a related story in "Where Have All The Dolphins Gone This Summer?" noting that there is not much left in European waters for dolphins to eat.

Marine Log has posted its August Edition online:

(Click the image to open the magazine)

The Pilot Boat is one year old.

Information Dissemination has "Taipei Times Reporting US Will Build Submarines For Taiwan"

gCaptain has a post searching for your 'Favorite Maritime Books'. The classic, 'Looking for a Ship' was already suggested, so try and come up with something else. I suggested the book 'Iron Coffins' by Captain Herbert Werner.

MarEx Newsletter has a fire on the semi-submersible oil rig OCEAN GUARDIAN in the North Sea.

Tugster has coverage of the '15th Annual NYC Tugboat Race & Challenge' and of the 'Tugboat Vote'.

Robin Storm has "NOAA INCREASES U.S. TSUNAMI WARNING CAPABILITY". NOAA doing to work other countries don't care to do for themselves.

Sea-Fever has the US Coast Guard helicopter rescue of rower Roz Savage who thought that it would be a good idea to row from the US West Coast to Hawaii.

Life of a Sea Wife has her husband headed back out to sea. (For 28 days, which is not really all that bad.)

Alaska Report has "Palin urges government to not list Beluga whales as endangered".

WBUR.Org has the discovery of the resting location for the WWII submarine USS GRUNION in the Bering Sea.

Professional Mariner remembers the fiery 1973 collision between the CV SEA WITCH and the oil tanker ESSO BRUSSELS.

Captain Kelly Sweeney at Professional Mariner Magazine covers the world of shipboard smoking rules. It's a little different at sea since the rules apply to you 24/7 since your workplace is also your home.

Neptunus Lex has "The sword of Isaac Hull". Isaac Hull was the former Commander of the USS CONSTITUTION, back in the early 1800's. The sword was given to the vessel by a relative. (The CONSTITUTION is the oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat.)

Tim at Tims Times still appears to be out of touch at sea so take a look at this post from his archives which has great pics of the Elbe River Pilot's swath (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) Pilot boat.

Sailors, Mariners & Warriors League has comments by Russia about returning to a permanent presence in the Mediterranean Sea.

Greenpeace's Making Waves blog has Iceland's decision to stop commercial whaling.

Meanwhile, Mainichi Daily News has "Whale harpooned, hauled in by Japanese boat in front of whale-watching tourists".

The Monitor (Canada) vents in "Transport Canada's Website from Hell" and gives a good example of one reason why a ship might not be in compliance with some rule, somewhere.

Engadget has the delay in an underwater power generation project off Northern Ireland.

All Africa has another offshore oil discovery for Ghana.

Never Sea Land has the mermaid statue in Playa Esterillos, Costa Rica. Just make sure you don't go looking for it at high tide as it will be underwater.

English Russia has photos of an accident on a St. Petersburg street between a car and an old ship anchor. No word on how the anchor got there in the first place.

Haight's Maritime Items has:

DOJ – shipping company fined; four crewmembers rewarded - The US Department of Justice issued a press release stating that a shipping company was fined $1 million after pleading guilty to maintaining false records regarding the dumping of oily waste water and making false entries in the ship’s oil record book. The company will also pay $300,000 to fund community service projects and serve 30 month’s probation, during which time it will implement an environmental compliance program. The ship’s second engineer was assessed a fine of $1,000 for making false statements to the US Coast Guard. Four crewmembers received monetary awards for providing information leading to the conviction. The ship’s wiper and cook were each awarded $230,000, while two third engineers were each awarded $20,000. (8/16/07). - Dennis Bryant Holland & Knight homepage (Used with Permission)

Fairplay Daily News has:

Gdansk fights EU for its future - BRUSSELS 22 August - The future of Poland’s Gdansk shipyard is under threat after a clash between the Polish government and the European Competition Commission over EU cash demands that could close the iconic site. The row started when the EU told Poland to close two of the shipyard’s three slipways or pay back state aid that had been used to prevent it going under. Warsaw refused and sent the Commission a 200-page rescue package with its own plans to sell two slipways and close the third. “We aim to reply to the Polish government in a few days,” Commission spokeswoman Amelia Torres told Fairplay. The shipyard where Solidarity began in 1980 has been talking to potential buyers for several months. Fairplay understands that two investors Donbass, the Ukrainian steel-maker that owns 5% of the shipyard, and the Italian shipbuilder FVH are interested in taking 75% stakes in the slipways, which together are valued at £100M. - Fairplay Homepage (Used with Permission)

Submissions for future editions:
Please submit articles for inclusion in next week' edition using the following submit form at Blog Carnival. You are also welcome to email photos for inclusion in future editions as well as suggest area of coverage.

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