Tuesday, August 21

FBI Searching for Suspicious Seattle Ferry Passengers

The FBI is looking for these two men.

They consider it important enough to release their photos to the press in hopes that somebody can identify who they are.

I found this story on the Jawa Report. Which is a good thing since the Seattle Post Intelligencer thought it was not fair to post the photos of the two they were looking for, since they have not been convicted of anything, yet:

FBI seeks help identifying 2 men seen aboard ferries
'Unusual behavior' cited, but no hint of terrorism

The FBI is asking the public for help in identifying two men who were seen behaving unusually aboard several Washington state ferries.

About four weeks ago, the FBI fielded several reports from passengers and ferry workers about the men, who seemed "overly interested in the workings and layouts of the ferries," Special Agent Robbie Burroughs said Monday.

The FBI also publicized photos of the men, which were taken by a ferry employee, Burroughs said.

The Seattle P-I is not publishing the photos because neither man is considered a suspect nor has either been charged with a crime. - Seattle PI

Of course there is 'no hint of terrorism'. You think these guys, if terrorists, would run around telling everyone what they were up to. Whatever they were up to, they caught the eye of a number of people, including a ferry worker who was so concerned he took the photo above. (More at the Jawa Report) That is a feat in itself considering that there are thousands of people who travel on Washington State Ferries without attracting this sort of attention.

So let's see if these two people step forward and confirm that this is all one big misunderstanding. Failing to come forward will not mean that they were up to no good, but it would be one more reason to wonder what exactly they were doing on the ferries. If they stayed on the ferry when it called the US, maybe it was just for a tour of the waters. But why do it multiple times?

Didn't these two enter the country or did they just stay on the ferries when it called the US? If they entered, why can't Immigration identify these two? Not only that, shouldn't Immigration have some of their fingerprints?

You see, these ferries run to Canada. It might be that these ferries are being targeted because the terrorists do not have to get into the US to do that. Remember the Millennium Bomber? He was detained after getting off the ferry. The story would have been completely different had his target been the ferry itself instead of just using it as a route into the US.

Call the FBI's Seattle office at 206-622-0460 if you have any information about these two.

Update: Suspicious activity on Seattle Ferries

See this post from Atlas Shrugs:

Something a little strange happened today, as I got on the ferry just north of Seattle, Wa. A whole bunch of Coast Guard personnel were hanging around a large blue van at the end of the pier, and they were armed to the teeth. All were wearing side arms, 9 mm Berettas in tactical holsters slung to the thigh, and clearly evident on each holster was a tactical fighting knife. Each of the Coasties was wearing an ammo vest, with from 6 to 8 pouches of extra magazines for the pistols. - Atlas Shrugs

Go read the whole story.

Update: 23 August
Here is a link to the FBI Press Release:
The Jawa Report: Terror Dry Run on Seattle Ferries?


  1. Operation Noble Resolve. Leave washington and oregon.

  2. Good work!

    I'm glad that some of us are aware of our surroundings and of suspicious poeple - especially two good-looking Arabian-ish men. In this post-911 era we DO need to be on the lookout for things like this, after all, Alqaida was said to have something in the works terrorism-wise, and ferries are perfect targets! My gut tells me these guys were of that clan! Get 'em.
