Tuesday, August 28

Bolton - US Should Recognize Taiwan - China Will Do Nothing

Seems that my post "Let Taiwan Join the UN" fits in with former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton:

The US should restore diplomatic relations with Taiwan, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said yesterday, adding that Beijing would not retaliate.

Bolton made the remarks yesterday in a speech on "US global democracy strategy and cooperation with Taiwan" at the Grand Formosa Regent hotel in Taipei. Bolton is visiting Taiwan at the invitation of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. - Taipei Times, 15 August 2007

As I said, there is not much China could do, if they were to limit themselves to only rational choices. Sure, they can invade the island, but they will just be shooting themselves in the foot. (Along with the rest of the planet.) Simply put, China needs to keep things stable so as to not disrupt their economy and the jobs that are being created, as they have millions who need jobs. Retaliating against their biggest customer, the United States, would be economic suicide.

Certainly, recognizing Taiwan will simply make official what is already the case, in that Taiwan is not under China's control.

""It is incorrect to call Taiwan a province of China because we are not," - Michael Lu, Taiwanese Foreign Ministry.

"Taiwan is an independent, sovereign state. Taiwan is not part of China." "Taiwan has never been ruled by China, nor has the Chinese government deployed any government functionaries or armed forces here" - David Huang, Taiwan Solidarity Union legislative caucus - Link"

During his speech, Mr. Bolton also criticized UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon over his handling of Taiwan's application to join the UN:

Bolton said that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was wrong to personally reject Taiwan's latest application for membership.

The application should have been referred to the UN General Assembly, he said.

Bolton also criticized Ban for saying Taiwan was "an integral part of the People's Republic of China."

"It is really beyond Ban's authority and therefore illegitimate," Bolton said. - Taipei Times

Unfortunately, the UN General Assembly probably would have rejected the application as well, but not out of merit, but out of either fear of China, or due to bribes from China. That however is not the important step. It is the US that should recognize Taiwan first. Then other steps can be made.

Bolton said the US government should restore its diplomatic relations with Taipei because it would serve US interests and reduce its costs in the Asia-Pacific region.

"Recognition would bring stability and certainty -- thus, actually lower the US' costs," Bolton said.

"It would also strengthen the US and the region by signaling to others the strength of the US' commitment to Taiwan and the region," he said.

Recognizing Taiwan would mean acknowledging reality, the best basis for a sound foreign policy, he said.

Bolton believed that Beijing would not act if Washington officially recognized Taiwan as a country.

Beijing cannot afford to break diplomatic ties with the US or launch a war against it, Bolton said. - Taipei Times

Now is the time to act on this. Once done, other countries will surely follow. Any retaliation by China will surely backfire on them as also kill off any prospects for a successful 2008 Olympic games. (Although there are a number of other issues that risk the Games.)

Bolton says China would not act if US recognized Taiwan - Taipei Times

Past FFI Posts:
Taiwan is an independent Nation - 21 April 2005
Taiwan is an independent Nation: Update - 4 Oct 2005
Let Taiwan Join the UN - 22 July 2007

1 comment:

  1. I've linked to you here: http://consul-at-arms.blogspot.com/2007/08/re-bolton-us-should-recognize-taiwan.html
