Thursday, July 5

'WTF' License Plate

If you don't know what WTF stands for just search for it in Google. Lets just say that you will not be able to get these letters on a license plate in the US, even if your initials are WTF.

It is kind of surprising that they would permit this in Latvia. I would suspect that young people there understand what it means.

This BMW was spotted in Jurmala, Latvia.

Latvia is full of new BMWs and other luxury cars.

Anyway, I thought it was funny which is why I took the picture.


  1. There actually is a 'WTF' license plate on a truck from Rhode Island. Saw it recently in Vermont.

  2. So? There's an official Language in Latvia - Latvia, so WTF in Latvian means nothing but 3 separate letters. Why Latvian officials should care what WTF mean in other Language than Latvian, WTF is not considered abusive abbreviation in Latvia. I wouldn't be surprised if someone would use F**K on latvian license plate...

  3. We have FRACKED on our California License Plate.

  4. Actually, my state-issued license plate is XXX-WTF (where XXX are numbers). I think it's awesome.

  5. I see that in the news. That is pretty funny. I wonder how many drones at DMV there never thought to comment on the letter combination despite knowing the relationship. they are prepared to replace them voluntarily. I suspect that they might force replacing them at some point as other people continue to complain when all don't.
