Friday, November 3

Message From IT: Please Archive your 6.8 Gigs of Email

I have been fingered as the number one email abuser in a company of over 100 employees. Over 97,000 message items taking up over 6.8 gigabytes of the email server's storage space. The messages go back to the latter part of 2003 when I changed departments. At the time I archived almost 800 megabytes of email related to my old position.

I have put off archiving until now because it is not possible to search the archived messages remotely. That can be a problem since I often deal with issues that have been unraveling over the course of a couple of years. It is not a problem when I am in the office, but can be a huge inconvenience when I am out traveling.

Just remember, the email that you delete is the email that you will need later on. Of course it can also be the email that prosecutors will use to send you to jail, but only if your doing something illegal.

One lesson learned in all of this is that outlook does not let you cap mailboxes that are already over 2 gigs in size.

I hate emails. Worse yet, the replies sent out to clients addressing their problems are not even read by those sending the original messages. This must be one of the rings of hell.

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