Sunday, March 12

Maritime Monday - A New Carnival

Welcome to Maritime Monday. Hopefully it will develop into a weekly Carnival covering the Commercial Maritime world and related, hosted right here on FFI. Looking at the Dubai Port hysteria, there is a severe lack of understanding about the Maritime Industry. So this is your chance to spread the word about what it's all about.

1991 - Rio Haina, Dominican Republic. Yes, the ship is going between the two white buoys. This was our second attempt to enter the port. The pilot was real excited, jumping up and down in that everything was going well the second time around. Everyone was laughing except the Captain. (Photo by Fred Fry)

Carnival submissions should meet the following guidelines:

Either a photo or writing covering one of the following subjects:

- Merchant Marine (Training and Certification (i.e.STCW), Operations, Inspections, Security, Stowaways, Accidents, Life at sea, etc...)

- Maritime Schools (Merchant Marine Academy, Other Maritime Academies, Unions Schools, other schools all around the world)

- Navies and Coast Guards (US and Foreign)
- Port Terminals
- Longshoremen and Stevedores
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- Offshore Oil Drilling Industry
- Anything else Maritime related

In general, links to all submissions will be posted with a summary, but I reserve the right to reject any post, like those that don't meet the guidelines. (The goal is to be inclusive)

Deadline for Submissions:

Every Sunday at 2200 Eastern Time.

Please submit your entry via the Carnival Submit form at Carnival Cat. Alternatively, link the post in the comments section of this post.

In addition, each Monday I will post a Maritime photo.


There is no advertising on FFI and there are no current plans to change that.

However, you can be a sponsor of a Maritime Monday post. Your ad will appear at the bottom of the post and will remain with the post as long as FFI is online. Sponsorship is available for $100 and $300 to be the exclusive sponsor for a week.

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