Thursday, October 20

One Year as a Fund Manager

I recently passed the one-year mark in managing a Mutual fund. The fund was started a year ago with One Million ($1,000,000) US Dollars. Currently it is worth about $1.2+ million which comes out to just over a 20% return. Pretty respectable, considering that the market has been horrible over the last year especially recently.

This is not a real mutual fund, it is a virtual fund. The website, lets you operate your own fund. It is a great way to see how well you would do IF you had lots of money to invest in the stock market. Not only can you see how well you can do, but you also get ranked against other funds on the site. Over the last year, my fund outperformed 86.4% of the other funds on the site. I think that is pretty respectable considering that while attempting to make a profit, you need to keep the fund in compliance with fund rules.

Now I am investing in the market, both trading occasionally via the web as well as making monthly purchases through BP, ExxonMobil, and GE's Direct Investment Programs. These programs allow you to invest as little as $50 a month. In addition, every three months there is a dividend that also increases the amount of shares that you own. It is a great way to save, and over time, the investment grows nicely.

Now, I only need to get my hands on a real million or two.

Fund Performance for merimies's Mutual Fund - Marketocracy

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