Reality forces most countries to choose China, including the US. One side effect of all this is that Taiwan is a place where almost nothing can be found to have been 'Made in China'. None of the politics however has stopped Taiwan from developing into a model first-world country. That says volumes about how beneficial UN Membership really is. The benefit seems to be in not having that International body chained around your country's neck.
Despite this, Taiwan has once again decided that it would like to apply for UN Membership.
Taiwan has submitted its first formal application to join the United Nations, a government spokesman has said.He said an application signed by President Chen Shui-bian had been delivered to the UN Secretary General.The Chinese foreign ministry immediately dismissed the move, saying it was "doomed to failure".Taiwan has long campaigned to join the UN but all such attempts have been blocked by China which regards the island as a breakaway province. - BBC
Traditionally, the excuse to deny Taiwan's application has been China's demand that Taiwan is part of China. The UN and the Member States has gone along with this line of thought. The US has worked to protect against a Communist takeover of Taiwan going as far as selling substantial military equipment to the island along with pledges to provide equipment to defend it. However, it too has masked it's official relations with Taiwan. This is how the US apparently views the situation.
Our policy is based on the principle that there must be no use of force by China against Taiwan. We deny the right of Beijing to impose its rule on the free Taiwanese people. All issues regarding Taiwan's future must be resolved peacefully and must be agreeable to the people of Taiwan. If China violates these principles and attacks Taiwan, then the United States will respond appropriately in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act. America will help Taiwan defend itself. - Heritage Foundation
Why can't we just end this charade. While it is possible for Taiwan to join with Communist China, as China wants, that will only happen with the approval of the Taiwanese people. So why should those people be isolated for no reason other than Communist China's bullying and goal of eventual domination of the island-nation. Part of attaining that goal is keeping Taiwan isolated internationally.
The UN is not going to approve this application as the Chinese will veto it. So the driving force will have to come from the US or EU. The EU probably would not be able to get all it's member countries to agree to such an act, at least not as the first mover. That leaves the US. China-US relations are primarily driven by the US trying not to upset the Chinese while pushing for reforms. As a result, the Taiwan issue has been set aside as counterproductive. Since there has not been a payoff of any sort of substantial reforms in China, why not upset the apple cart?
What could the Chinese do in response?
- Invade Taiwan? - Not likely as it would result in 1 billion unemployed Chinese. (or however many would be left it the shooting got serious.)
- Undervalue their currency? - Well they are doing that now and despite pressure by the US to let their currency float they still manipulate it. Look at this post from last year where I graph that the Yuan-Euro exchange rate is mirroring the Dollar-Euro exchange rate.
- Cuttoff exports to the US? - That would most likely hurt China much more than the US. They need the US market for their products, plain and simple. (I think that we will quickly manage to cope not having access to cheap crap. This might be the biggest reason for pissing off the Chinese.)
So maybe the US should have some behind-the-scene discussions with China asking them to think long and hard about what they consider really important. There is another factor that makes now an ideal time to sort out the Taiwan issue. That is the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. You see, while China might not be able to pressure the US to undue any formal recognition of Taiwan, it can however, move to punish other nations that do. But with the Olympics being hosted in China, that would quickly lead to a Chinese 'loss of face' if those nations boycott the Olympics in return. The Chinese are desperate to avoid any issue upsetting the Olympics.
Lets face it, if the Chinese had things stacked in their favor, they would take advantage of the opportunity. Darfur is a perfect example of that. Actually, now might be a good time to confront China on a number of issues besides Taiwan. How about Their defense of Sudan's actions in Darfur, Tibet and questionable weapons exports for starters. Then there is the whole issue of human Rights, pollution and even global warming.
The simple fact is that the 2008 Olympics will be a huge propaganda present for China. It will be impossible to obtain any concessions from them after the Olympics. So now is the time to right some longstanding wrongs. Taiwan is one of them.
So what are we waiting for?
Update: 26 July
I suspect that we will be seeing more people doing this over the next year:
Steven Spielberg, under pressure from Darfur activists, may quit his post as artistic adviser to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, unless China takes a harder line against Sudan, a representative of the film director told ABC News.China, Sudan's largest oil customer and perennial defender, has come under renewed scrutiny in the lead up to the Olympics, as the country juggles its need for cheap energy with its desire to host a trouble-free games. - ABC News
Sudan is just one of many pressure points the Chinese are going to be pressed about by governments and activists alike.
Taiwan applies for UN membership - BBC
Taiwan is an independent Nation - 21 April 2005
Taiwan is an independent Nation: Update - 4 Oct 2005

USA doesn't have leverage to demand much from China, since it depends heavily on China's financing. HUD secretary Jackson even asked China for help in buying some US Mortgage Backed Securities. US is the borrower with massive debts and unfunded liabilities. It's in no position to make demands on its lender. Get uses to it! You seem blindly unaware of this fact!
Without China's financing, US would be in deeper economic trouble. USA already has $9 trillion in debts, and estimated $45-70 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Who else has the reserves and savings to finance USA?
Do you know the United States have repeatedy blocked the Cherokee Nation's bid to join the UN?
Where's your outrage?
I am aware of this fact. This is all connected to the currency manipulation that China has been doing. You are aware that China, among others have been talking about reducing their holdings of Dollars.
The securities will be sold with or without China. It will just be at the cost of the exchange rate. It will also force the US Government to make changes in being more fiscally responsible.
One of the reasons they have so many $$s is because they keep their currency artificially low. They need to purchase the securities to keep the dollar propped up so that they do not have to devalue their own currency further. (and why whenever someone says they will reduce dollar holdings they followup that they are not to keep others from selling.)
Anyway, if Iran forces Japan to pay in Yen, then they will have spare dollars.
"Do you know the United States have repeatedy blocked the Cherokee Nation's bid to join the UN?"
- How about a link to the story?
You are aware that there are over 500 recognized tribes in the US? They have the same rights as US States, have their own state-level rules, police, and can vote and run for Federal Public Office, including President. Lets see Taiwanese end up in the leadership in beijing.
Oh, I am for more rights for native Americans, starting with more direct management of their lands and funds.
I think you could have made a better case using Hawaii as your example. No matter. The issue here is Taiwan.
So, Are you against Taiwan's application to the UN? Why?
I agree China is supporting the US dollar, maintaining its trade band within a narrow range of dollar to RMB. I also agree when Central Bankers around the world sell, US will need to be more fiscally responsible. Consumer consumption is about 65% of GDP. Our government runs a consistent budget deficit. We need China’s financing, so the idea of cutting exports, especially when 85% of the trade deficit with China is actually from US MNCs, is unrealistic, unless you think US MNCs would comply.
I’m not sure if you support de jure independence for Taiwan, but that is hypocritical if so, given the US track record regarding Democracies around the world. Our foreign policies, both past and present, include supporting dictators, monarchies, overthrowing democratically elected governments (Iran 1953), and attempting to overthrow another democratically elected government in Venezuela. That’s not a good track record since it’s hypocritical of US to say it cares about Democracies around the world, when our foreign policies say NOT, at least not consistently. USA plays the Democracy card too hypocritically, as that is also a reason it is currently having trouble democratizing the Middle East.
"I’m not sure if you support de jure independence for Taiwan, but that is hypocritical if so, given the US track record regarding Democracies around the world."
What kind of track record are you talking about? Puerto Rica has the option of declaring independence. The Phillippines, Liberia, Panama, South Korea (Blame North Korea's very existance on the USSR.) then there is Japan, Germany and most every country in Europe not taken by the Soviets. So you can call the US the most hypocritical country, except for all others.
As it is, you are confusing my intent with that of the Government. My support for Taiwan does not make me hypicrite just becuase you are comparing me to the Government. As for hypicritical governments, how about Russia and China for starters. They are the ones protecting the truly despotic regimes. Any support the US gives to undemocratic regimes is/was part of the greater sceme of the cold war against the Soviet purchase of those governments.
Nonetheless, You still have yet to mention why you are against Taiwan recognition in the UN.
I was not talking about Puerto Rico, and those other examples you cited. Address the examples I gave you. Given USA’s hypocritical past and present foreign policies regarding Democracies, it’s hypocritical for USA to support one Democracy when it is self-serving, but not support other Democracies when it isn’t self-serving. USA lacks the moral authority to criticize others given its own track record. Are you aware of how US annexed the island of Hawaii, or the Spaniards, Mexicans, and Native American Indians? Until USA corrects these wrongful acts, it has no moral authority to criticize the China – Taiwan situation. Your own personal opinions have zero weight in this regard.
I’m against US being an international interloper, and meddling in other sovereign country’s internal affairs. The UN recently reaffirmed the One China Policy and flatly rejected Taiwan’s bid for UN membership. It didn’t even bother to read Chen’s letter, and returned it unopened.
If truly care about about Democracies around the world, then work on correcting those past and present US foreign policies, as that is much more useful than trying to meddle in other country’s internal affairs.
Annex the land of Hawaii, and land from the Spaniards, Mexicans, and Native American Indians?
"I was not talking about Puerto Rico, and those other examples you cited. Address the examples I gave you."
- I am still waiting for you to provide a link to the Cherokee Nation's bid to join the UN as I asked above.
As for the other examples, funny how the two countries you mention, Iran and Venezuela, are both hostile to the US. As far as venezuela is concerned, my understanding is that there were local plans to overthrow the Government and they asked the US for help. Not that the US did it. Did the same for Cuba. Yet another Government hostile to the US. As for Iran in 1053, that was before I was born and whatevr happened (I am not going to check) is not relevant to US policies today.
"Are you aware of how US annexed the island of Hawaii, or the Spaniards, Mexicans, and Native American Indians?"
- Hawaii, was taken over by local groups who then asked the US if they can join. It was not the US that took it, outright.
- Spain. Hah! just where did they get the land? Anyway, this was settled in the Spanish, American war, which eventually resulted in land taken from Spain gaining independence.
- Mexicans are mainly decendands from Spaniards. Anyway, it is not like Mexicans have any respect for laws seeing that 10-20% of them are living in the US, half illegally.
- American Indians - Sorry, but I do not know the treaty details well enough to comment on that. They seem to be doing well nowadays with taking advantage of their special status in the US.
"Until USA corrects these wrongful acts, it has no moral authority to criticize the China – Taiwan situation. Your own personal opinions have zero weight in this regard."
- Yeah right. Do you really believe the bull that you just wrote. I see that statement, coming from a person located in the US and I think 'Moonbat'.
- So I guess the US should just shut up and let Communist China kill off whoever, whenever right? You want to talk about a lack of moral authority. They the 'countries' you mention for your examples. The US should be more pushy in international politics. We send enough money overseas, We should get some benefit out of it. Hey, maybe the US should invade Iran and give it back the the Democratic Government you say it toppled in the '50s?
"I’m against US being an international interloper, and meddling in other sovereign country’s internal affairs."
- Great, and while the rest of the world's crappy countries do so, we end up with what? Try Syria's bombings in Lebanon and their support for terrorists. Who tells them to stop? Who tells the Sudanese to stop killing in Darfur?
"The UN recently reaffirmed the One China Policy and flatly rejected Taiwan’s bid for UN membership. It didn’t even bother to read Chen’s letter, and returned it unopened."
- Well that says volumes about the UN and the worthless body that it is. This is just one more black stain.
Taiwan seems to value the UN, since they have tried 14 consecutive times to gain UN membership. If Taiwan felt the UN was worthless, they would stop trying to gain entry. Too bad Taiwan doesn't share your opinion of the UN. Besides, USA, the largest debtor nation, has no leverage to change anything. Get uses to it!
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