Here is the photo:An inquiry has been launched following claims that German soldiers preparing for a tour of duty in Afghanistan displayed a Nazi-era emblem on an official vehicle. Today's edition of the magazine Stern contains a picture which allegedly shows the car with a palm tree and iron cross on it being used at a holding camp in Oman five years ago. Its believed to be a clear reference to an emblem used by the "Afrika Corps" during the Second World War, under the command of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. - EuroNews
Now here is the old Nazi Afrika Corps Symbol.
Sure, if you really want to stretch your imagination, then just possibly it might be the same Nazi symbol. However, I just don't see it. And did you catch that, the photo is five years old! (It might be that the Afrika Corps logo was the inspiration for the new logo, but militaries are steeped in tradition, and you can bet that some Nazi traditions can still be found in their modern military with some other traditions pre-dating the Nazi Period. Anyway, if you don't look back, then you can never learn from your mistakes.)
I bet however that their are symbols all over Germany that can be connected in some way back to the Nazi past. Take Lufthansa (or Volkswagen for that matter.) They were around, or created by the Nazis. However, they were completely rebuilt as new entities after the war. So this news is more propaganda, surely put out by those in Germany who are against German Forces in Afghanistan, nothing more.
what a load of crap, what is wrong with basing the new logo on the old Afrika Korps. logo? the german troops that fought in africa were well trained seasoned troops that fought with honer. we should forget the past and move on. not all germans were nazi's, they were just soildiers doing a job serving their country the same as us.
Just keep in mind that in Heidelberg (Germany) one of the US army facilities resides in an old building which was used from the Nazis as well. The entrance gate has two eagles on top of the gate. Yes they still hold the swastika, the army guys just put two metal plates to cover them... Couple of weeks ago they have been taken away by some crackpots and everyone was shoked.. Picture that!
Afrika Corps, hell they kicked but I have some relatives ho engaged in combat with those guys and would tell you the same thing. As for their commander his tactics are still thought in military schools world wide. WHO THE HELL CARES more power to them!
Oh please!
You can't see the resemblance? Really??? There is no doubt the image on the vehicle is inspired by the Africa Corps logo. Period. End of story. I mean, c'mon brothah!
This symbol was used in the afrika korps group you numbskull, i have undeniable proof that completely destroys your "theory" of misleading propaganda. My great grandfather was apart of this specific regiment and i actually HAVE the dog tag from him and actually shows the symbol that you call "fake". Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. :p
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